英 [felt]美[fɛlt]
- n. 毡;毡制品
- vi. 粘结
- vt. 使粘结;把…制成毡
- v. 感觉(feel的过去式)
- n. (Felt)人名;(英、罗、芬、捷、瑞典)费尔特
- a felt hat
- 毡帽
- The cops hurried up and saved the mother and the baby finally.
- 幸亏警察及时赶到,使母女幸免于难.
- I felt a touch on my arm.
- 我觉得有人摸了一下我的手臂.
- I felt a strange sense of elation.
- 我有一种异常的兴奋感觉.
- Never before had he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the idea.
- 他从没有像现在这样热衷于这个想法.
- I was the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward.
- 作为客人中的唯一男性,我有些窘迫.
- I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine.
- 我服药后感到舒服些.
- Although she felt ill, she still went to work.
- 她虽然觉得身体不舒服, 但仍然去上班了.
- He felt great sympathy for these people.
- 他很同情这些人.
- I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.
- 一切都结束的时候,我却有一种奇怪的压抑感.
- She felt colour flame up in her cheeks.
- 她感到脸上火辣辣地红了起来.
- I still felt a little dazed.
- 我仍然觉得有点儿不清醒.
- She felt horrified at the sight.
- 见这情景,她感到恐怖.
- I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again.
- 我肯定没有办法再把箱子关上了.
- Her touch felt wonderfully soothing.
- 她的触摸令人感到很宽心.
- The governors felt that they were being strung along by their advisors.
- 地方长官感到他们一直在受顾问们的愚弄.
- We enjoyed the film so much that we felt we'd got our money's worth.
- 我们很喜欢这部电影,觉得这钱花得值.
- He felt strange amid so many people.
- 他处在那么多人当中感到不习惯.
- However, as evidence began to accumulate, experts felt obliged to investigate.
- 然而, 由于证据开始增多了, 专家们感到必须进行调查了.
- He felt that two years'seniority gave him the right to advise his brother.
- 他觉得年长两岁使他有权劝告他的弟弟.
- He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.
- 他觉得人们看不起他不懂人情世故.
- He felt weak after illness.
- 病愈后他感到虚弱.
- Lynn felt women had been conned.
- 林恩觉得女人们受骗了.
- She felt sudden pangs of regret.
- 她突然感到痛悔不已.
- Chances of getting the job were slim, so the young man felt gloomy about the future.
- 得到这份工作的机会很小, 所以这位青年人感到前途渺茫.
- Lu Xun ranted and raved against the enemy, but he felt warmth towards the people.
- 鲁迅对敌人冷嘲热讽, 而对人民却是满腔热忱.
- He felt very much ashamed whenever he encountered any of his old mates.
- 每遇到老相识时,他总是感到很难为情.
- I felt mean for not letting her go.
- 没让她去使我感到内疚.
- I felt lonesome in the strange land.
- 在那陌生的地方我觉得寂寞.
- However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate.
- 然而, 随着迹象开始积聚, 伦敦动物园的专家们感到有必要进行调查了.